Contact molten wonky

Katie is taking some time off, but will be back soon.

Please be aware, we will be processing orders and kit firing after the 9th April

molten wonky studio 

Bulls Bridge Farm

Bumpstead Road



CB10 2PP

phone : 07974 112535

email :

Find us

Bulls Bridge Farm . Hempstead . Essex . CB10 2PP

What3words - ///juggles.exploring.chill

DIRECTIONS :We are on the B1054 between Hempstead and Steeple Bumpstead.  DO NOT turn off to Fininchingfield if the sat nav tells you to. We are very near the junction. Keep driving towards Steeple Bumpstead.  Look for the Bulls Bridge Timber and Self Storage sign. Pull into the drive of the grey house with lime green door.   The studio is on the left of the drive way with big glass doors and blue shutters.

Please call if you get lost, number above :) 



Contact us by :

Phone : 07974 112535

Email :


